Deity of Christ

The Path To Jesus

3 more weeks until the Summer break.

This is a good time to start thinking about what’s next for your group.

  • Plans for summer socials

  • Future leaders

  • Creating room for new people

  • Starting a new group

Take some time in your meetings over the next few weeks to talk about what’s next for your group.

As you you keep them in the loop and include them in the planning, you’ll create more buy-in and prepare your group for what’s next.

Accept Not Substitutes

2019.09.01 - Aaron Hixson - "Accept No Substitutes" Our world is full of distractions and imitations - it's easy to be drawn into believing that you've got the "real thing," only to discover you've been fooled into a fake. So what about our beliefs about God? Is it possible for there to be imitations and lies that could fool us into believing the wrong things with disastrous results? This final section of John's letter is all about discerning the TRUTH from the LIES and making our beliefs about Jesus secure. 1 John 5

The King's Ultimatum

2018.12.09 - Drew Karschner - "The King’s Ultimatum" Jesus never shied away from who He was. He claimed to be the Son of God and that angered many religious people. And with His claim, He gave people a choice. It was clear and simple: believe what He said or reject it. There has never been a middle ground. Luke 4:14-15