Genesis 2:18

Relationships Matter

2021.01.10 - Drew Karschner - "Relationships Matter" Quarantine is awful - but why? If 2020 taught us nothing else, we can all agree that the need for face-to-face connections was powerfully on display. Once isolation kicks in, bad things can happen. In this message, we’ll explore the relationship-centered lessons that we learned from lockdown in 2020. Genesis 2:18

Small Church

2018.09.09 - Drew Karschner - "Small Church" Part 1 of 1 of the Small Church Series It can be easy to feel lost in the crowd at a growing church, or to feel like no one even notices you. As our church grows larger, the more intentional we have to be at making it feel smaller. We are resetting expectations for Community Groups and helping people explore and join authentic biblical community. Genesis 2:18