Psalm 19

Does Science Contradict The Bible?

This is week 1 of our 6 week Spring Trimester.

Take some time to set some growth goals with your group in prayer time, or followup on your previous growth goals to encourage progress as you seek to grow in your faith.

As we tackle hard questions in this sermon series, make sure to encourage your group to check out the “A Little Better” podcast where we dive more deeply into these questions.

Earth Song

2018.07.08 - Aaron Hixson - "EarthSong" Part 2 of the "Songs of Summer" series. How does God talk to us? Does He talk to us? For most of us, it can seem like God is a man of few words. But what if He's saying more than we realize, and His voice is coming from an unexpected place? In this Psalm, we'll unpack the voice of God and see how we can hear Him in our everyday life. Psalm 19