
What Makes Christianity Compelling?

If You didn’t get a chance last week to cast vision for your group by talking about the purpose of groups (Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Each other), vision (to invite others and multiply in the future), volunteer schedules, and the group agreement, you’ll find those included in this weeks discussion questions.

If you didn’t get a chance to set growth goals last week, be sure to take some time in your group to do that this week.

The Path To Love

This is the first week of our Spring Trimester. The trimester will be 6 weeks long and end right before Memorial Day.

It is a great week to eat a meal together after a 2-week break.

This week’s discussion may be a great week to gauge where the people in our group stand in their faith, whether they are kicking the tires of Christianity, are ready to believe, or need to grow in their commitment to and trust in Christ.

If you have people in your group who are exploring faith, this week may be an opportunity to encourage them to take a step toward belief, or even pray to receive Christ as their Leader and forgiver in group prayer time or in a 1-on-1 connection outside of group.

You may also want to take some time to set Growth Goals for the next 6 weeks. As the weather warms, people are more likely to be absent or drift. Setting goals together may help encourage pursuit of Christ instead of drifting from Christ and community.

Thanks for leading!

The Most Powerful Substance Known To Man

2020.02.09.Sermon - Mark Nelson - The Most Powerful Substance Known To Man As we begin to allow God to speak for himself we learn that He is love. But what does that mean? And how has our cultural noise caused us to think about God's love differently than it actually is? Uncover the power in understanding what God's love truly means. 1 John 4:7-10

Child's Play

2019.08.18 - Mark Nelson - "Child’s Play" What does it mean to be a child of God? What kinds of things would be true of your life if God was really your Father? In chapter three of his letter, John reveals three signs of life that every child of God displays, which help verify if our faith is genuine. 1 John 3

Love Does

2017.10.08 - Drew Karschner - "Love Does" Love might be one of the most overused, yet least understood, words in the English dictionary. We often think of love as a feeling, but love is a decision followed by action. One question you might have is this: Since the world we live in is so large, how can we really show our love? How do we get beyond our walls and neighborhoods and truly love like Christ commands us? Matthew 22:36-40