Helping Marriages in Community Groups and Beyond

We've been married for 44 years and mentoring couples for the past 18, including leading the Art of Marriage courses at Northridge. We know from experience that marriage is hard and we've walked alongside many struggling couples in group. Not sure where to start in helping the marriages in your group? We'll explore that in our breakout.

How To Multiply Your Group Without Killing It

Is your group considering multiplication, but not sure you are ready? Are you ready, but are not sure how? Have you been through a bad group multiplication? In this breakout we'll discuss what we've learned from 150+ group multiplications and consider best practices to prepare your current group, and your next group to thrive after multiplication

Unearthing Potential

Maybe you feel like you have been leading alone for a while? Or maybe you would like to multiply someday but never seem to have enough leaders to pull it off? This breakout provides practical information on how to find the next great leaders for your community group! Most leaders try to develop the best strategy while the best leaders are obsessed with empowering the right people.

From Checklist To Intimacy With Christ

In this breakout I want to share with you my own journey of pursuing Christ. After serving in vocational ministry for years, I thought my walk with God was good. Then one day God got my attention and not only renewed my desire to pursue Christ, but changed my whole life in the process. We want to share that story with you and spend some time together figuring out how we can all make sure that we have our first domino in place as we pursue Christ together.

Leading Group Discussions That Develop Disciples

In this breakout we'll share how to lead discussions that are engaging, authentic, and lead toward spiritual growth through the application of His Word. We'll also include some curriculum recommendations for your group this fall, whether you'd like to discuss a book, a book of the Bible, or Sunday's sermon.

How Our Relationships Point Us To Christ

We all want to grow spiritually and yet for many of us, conflict in our relationships seems to make that harder instead of easier. In this breakout we'd like to explore how God can use your relationships, inside and outside of group, to help you grow.

How To Address Unhealthy Dating Relationships

What do you do when someone in your group makes a bad relationship decision? Whether it is dating an unbeliever, living with their boyfriend, sleeping with their girlfriend, or dating while in the process of getting a divorce. This breakout will give you a Biblical framework for how to think about these issues and practical steps on how to carefully address them with the members of your group.

Sharing Caring

It’s hard enough to keep up consistently with the people in your group, let alone provide care for them. What level of care can you and your group realistically be expected to provide? And what do you do when the care issues go way past what you feel capable of handling? In this breakout we will address this tension and share with you a clear plan for how you and your group can provide care without burning yourself out.