
10 Ideas To Change Up Your Group This Week

Our Spring Community Group Trimester ends in 4 weeks, on May 25th.

It can be easy this time of year to grow a bit weary of the weekly routine and just look forward to the break.

The goal of Community Groups is not meetings, its relationships.

If we are not careful, we turn Community Groups into a meeting to show up to while missing out on the meaningful relationships God has designed us to share.

One of the best ways to get our heads and our hearts refocused, is to change up our weekly routine.

Here are 10 ideas to change up your group this week:

1. Bring extra snacks for more intentional/extended social time.

2. Do a weekly dinner and communion together.

3. Skip sermon discussion and take turns sharing your faith story (1 person, 1 place, 1 event that shaped your faith)

4. Do “Show and Tell” with your group, sharing about 5-10 items.

5. Have everyone in the group answer a list of questions to get to know each other better.

6. Go to the Lilac Festival together (May 10-19)

7. Have a game night.

8. Help a group member in need (moving, yard work, meal cooking night together)

9. Attend a sporting event, play, or concert of a group member or their child.

10. Have one gender watch kids together while the other gender goes out together.

Instead of a typical group meeting, pick one of these ideas, and change up your group this week.

What is 1 idea you can try to engage in a more meaningful way?

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

I'm Not Very Good At This - Measuring Success

Hi Group Leaders,

This is the last week of our Winter Community Group trimester. We'll take a 2 week break and meet for 6 more weeks beginning April 16th.

Have you ever gotten to the end or a group trimester and wrestled with how group is going and how you are doing as a leader?

Maybe you've found yourself thinking, "I'm not a very good group leader."

It is easy to get lost in our shortcomings or the list of things that we could be doing that we are not doing, that we miss what God is doing.

So, how do you know if you are succeeding as a leader? How do you measure whether or not your group is successful?

Remember the goal: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, and Care for Each Other.

Are the people in your group:

  • Reading the Bible together and wrestling with its implications for their lives?

  • Sharing their joys and hurts together?

  • Praying for and with each other?

  • Sharing stories at group meetings?

  • Texting each other outside of group?

  • Sitting or serving together on Sundays?

  • Hanging out at a restaurant, playground, or in each others homes?

If any of these is happening, celebrate it!! God is using you to help build Biblical community that is leading each other grow more like Christ.

It's been said, "Spiritual growth doesn't happen in a day, but it does happen daily." We grow day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month, and year-by-year as we share our lives together.

Thanks for helping create a safe place where people can belong, believe, and become more like Christ!

3 Great Ways To End Your Group Trimester

With this being the last week of the Community Group trimester, here are 3 things you might consider doing in your final meeting:

  1. Share a meal together

  2. Celebrate communion over the meal (Communion Instructions)

  3. Spend time praying for and celebrating what God is doing through the Mountain Mover series and the future launch of the Brighton Campus. Use the Mountain Mover Prayer cards (Found HERE)

Upcoming Dates


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, please reply to the email or reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

Mountain Mover Website

Maximizing Prayer Time

When & How Should Your Group Multiply?

Northridge Group Leader Podcast

Why Group Relationships Are Ineffective

Hi Group Leaders,

Thanks for taking a minute to stay-up-to date on what's happening in Community Groups at Northridge!

Communion Reminder

We would love all groups to pick a week to celebrate communion together the 1st or 2nd week of May.

We have a supply of communion elements for any group that would like some. Just reply to this email if you'd like some for your group and we'll get them to you. First come, first serve.

Do Community Group Relationships Really Make a Difference?

A few weeks ago I raised this question, "Do Community Group Relationships Really Make a Difference?". Maybe you've found yourself wondering whether it is worth your time to attend or lead a Community Group, especially when you already have other good relationships in your life outside of group.

In my first post, I talked about 1 reason Community Groups relationships are not very effective: We focus on meetings over relationships.

Read Part 1 HERE. In the article I emphasize the importance of connecting relationally both inside and outside of group meetings.

I think we would all agree, the more time we spend with someone, the more of an impact they will have in our lives, positively or negatively.

"We can impress people from a distance, but we can only impact them up close." - Howard Hendricks

We see the impact of close relationships throughout scripture:

  • The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray. - Proverbs 12:26

  • As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.- Proverbs 27:17

  • Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. - Proverbs 13:20

The difference your group relationships will make is going to be limited if:

So, when we ask the question, "Do Community Group relationships make a difference?," much of the answer to that question depends upon how much time we are spending with each other!

If you are seeing limited fruit and life change inside your group, it could be do to the lack of relational connection outside of group.

But here you may be raising the tension:

"I get it, if I don't spend much time with my group members, our relationships are not going to be as impactful, but who has that much time? I've already got other good relationships with family and friends. Why shouldn't I just focus on those relationships instead of trying to spend more time with the people in my group?"

That's what we'll discuss next time.

What do you think? Do Community Group relationships make a difference? Are they worth our time and investment? What would you say?

I'd love to hear your thoughts as I attempt to answer those questions. Email me HERE.

How Can We Help?

How are you doing? Is there anything we can help with? Reply to this email or reach out to your coach.

If you haven't had a chance to meet up with your coach about how your group is doing and what's next for your group, we'd love to connect.

Upcoming Community Group Dates

  • Spring Community Group Trimester: April 3 - May 28th (8 Weeks)

  • Red Wings Baseball Game (Group Leader Thank You): Friday, June 3, 7:05pm (RSVP HERE)

Keep up-to-date with what happening in our group ministry on the Group Leader's Website, Facebook Group, and Podcast.

Additional Resources

How COVID Has Affected Our Friendships—and What to Do About It

Only Half of My Group Showed Up Last Night

9 Ideas To Change Up Group This Week

How Do You Get People To Show Up To Group?

Do Community Group Relationships Make A Difference?

Communion In-Group (Instructions)

14 Outdoor Social Ideas For Your Group

While not overlooking the depth of community we can experience in an online setting, it is not healthy to live in a world limited exclusively to online interactions.

We were created to walk side-by-side, face-to-face, in the presence of others physically and not just digitally.

But, it's the middle of winter in Rochester and we are still in the middle of a pandemic.

55% of Northridgers are attending in-person at our Rochester and Webster Campuses, while 45% of Northridge is attending the Online Campus.

Gathering in-person with other's is still a challenge, but many people are willing to meet in-person in an outdoor context.

So, as you look to create community with those in your group, here are some ideas for you to meet in-person, outside, where you can do life side-by-side with each other.

14 Outdoor Social Ideas For Your Group

  1. Go for a Walk

  2. Go for a Hike

  3. Go Snow Shoeing

  4. Go Sledding

  5. Go Skiing

  6. Go Snow Tubing

  7. Go Ice Skating

  8. Visit A Nature Center

  9. Visit the Zoo

  10. Go Fishing

  11. Go Hunting

  12. Celebrate Maple Syrup Weekend

  13. Grab a Hot Drink and Go to A Park or Playground

  14. Visit A Garden and Enjoy The Flowers in the Spring

Have you tried any of these? What would you add to the list?

Share your ideas on the Northridge Leaders Facebook Group.

Upcoming Sermon Series

  • How to Be Rich (February 7-21)

  • Amazing Grace (February 28-March 7)

  • The Courtroom (March 14-April 4)

Trimester Dates

  • Winter: January 17 - March 27 (10 weeks)

  • Spring: April 11 - May 29 (7 weeks)

Additional Resources

6 Ideas To Make The Most of The Spring Group Trimester...While Social Distancing

Are you ready for this?

Our last trimester of the Community Group year is about to begin (April 12 - May 23). At the beginning of the groups year, none of us could have predicted it would end like this.

While Community Group members often begin to check-out near the end of the group year, this season feels different. Actually, it doesn't just feel different, this season of social distancing restrictions is different. It is hard to predict the future, so as we look for the best ways to care for and connect with our groups under COVID-19 restrictions, we are taking it one week at a time, one day at a time.

As we prepare for the next 6 weeks of group, here are:

6 Ideas To Make The Most of The Spring Group Trimester

1. Continue to

Many of you have already been connecting with your group online with a variety of video platforms and have worked through some of the kinks. If you still have questions about how meet with your group online, contact your coach, or check out our "How To Lead An Online Group" page. We want to help every group figure this out!

2. Meet for a shorter amount of time.

A typical in-person community group meeting usually lasts for 90 minutes to 2 hours. That is long for an online group meeting. The sweet spot for an online group is somewhere between 45-60 minutes.

3. Continue to discuss the sermon.

You may be wondering, what should my group meeting look like online? We would suggest your group continues to use the same format of an in-person meeting. Spend 10-15 minutes catching up, spend about 30 minutes discussing the sermon, and then wrap up by sharing prayer requests and having someone pray.

Some of you have asked, "Where are the sermon discussion questions?" 

Our Northridge website has been updated with pertinent info in this COVID season, so the way you may normally navigate to find the questions has changed a bit. You can always find the sermon discussion questions in the same place right here on our Group Leaders website. They are posted each Sunday morning at 8:00am.

4. Update Your Group Description.

As people look for a group on the online Group Finder, please make sure to update your Group description on Group Vitals to let people know you are meeting online instead of in-person.

How do you update your description? Watch THIS short video. 

5. Include your kids.

Say what? How is that supposed to work? 

While Community Group meetings are designed for adults to experience Biblical Community, those with kids at home also develop relationships with the other kids in group. 

With groups unable to meet together in-person, your kids may actually be missing group more than you!

Here is one way some groups have helped their kids connect with each other during this season:

Instead of having the men and women meet all-together in one online meeting, they have separate men's and women's nights. At the beginning of those meetings, you can take the first 5-15 minutes for the kids to connect, be silly, see each other's faces, and talk, and then have either the man or the woman in the house watch the kids while the other connects in their meeting.

6. Change it up.

While we are encouraging groups to function as normal with a typical community group schedule of connecting, sermon discussion, and prayer; taking a week or two to change it up will keep your group from growing weary or stale. 

This may be especially true if you met for all 3 weeks of the trimester break.

Here are several ways we have seen groups try something new to connect during this season:

  • Playing games together online with the website:

  • Doing a Netflix Watch Party:

  • Delivering/Hiding Easter eggs in different family's yards (w/ their approval).

  • Doing separate video chats with the men and women to dive a little deeper.

  • Sharing short video messages together with apps like the Marco Polo app

What would you add to the list? What has your group tried? Email me and share your ideas. I'd love to pass them along to other groups!

We are praying for you as we begin a new group trimester! Please let us know if you have any questions or there is anything you need!

Thanks for helping people still experience Biblical Community in these unique times!

How Should We Handle The Community Group Break & COVID-19?

Our Community Group Trimester just wrapped up. We have a 3-week break scheduled until April 12th.

While Community Group breaks offer a needed respite from the weekly grind of leading and meeting with your group, we are at the beginning of season where people are more isolated than ever, especially those who live alone.

So, how should we handle the Community Group break in light of the COVID-19 situation?

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Consider continuing to meet with your group online.

    • Just because a break is scheduled doesn't mean your group has to stop meeting. Though a typical group break is needed and replenishes you and your group, this may be a season where continued meetings may actually strengthen your group.

    • If you are not sure how to get your group online together, our coaches would love to walk through the technology together with you to help you get setup to succeed. Let us know. You can also reference our online group guide.

    • There is also a phone-in option where you group can all talk on the phone together at the same time. This is especially helpful if your group doesn't have the technology to meet online or isn't as tech savvy. 

    • I know this is a crazy time for all of us as we readjust to a new normal, so for some groups, this may be more of a challenge, but if possible, continuing to meet online may be helpful.

  2. Stay in touch.

    • Whether or not you are able to continue meeting online, one-on-one connections with your group through phone, text, or facetime may have the highest impact as you care for your group. 

    • GroupMe is a helpful texting tool many groups have used to stay connected. 

    • You can also share short video updates with each other on the Marco Polo app. Aaron Hixson shared how this has been a fun tool he has used to stay connected with his group and friends. Watch how it works HERE.

    • If you have group members living alone, they may especially appreciate and be helped by additional connections.

    • Make sure to ask if they have any needs that you and your group can help with. This can be a challenging time both physically and emotionally.

  3. Begin a YouVersion Bible reading plan together.

    • Help your group refocus their mind on truths from the Bible instead of focusing on worries and fears. 

    • Here is a plan on How To Stop Worrying.

  4. Share prayer requests on YouVersion.

    • You can now easily share prayer requests with group members and friends who use the YouVersion Bible app. 

  5. Pair up group members.

    • It can be hard to keep up with all of your group members consistently, but if you can pair up group members into groups of 2 or 3, they can keep in touch with each other more consistently. 

  6. Pool resources to meet a need.

Is your group continuing to meet online during the break?

Please click the button below to update us on your group plans.

We would love to help those who are looking for a group find community without having to wait until April 12th.

What other ideas do you have for connecting with your group? 

What questions do you have? Let us know, we'd love to be of help!

Group Social Media Contest Reminder + Christmas-Gram From Your Coaches

Don't forget the Community Group Christmas Contest

Post a Christmas picture on Facebook or Instagram with your Community Group between December 10th-23rd using hashtag #ChristmasWithMyGroup and tagging @NorthridgeRoc.

Christmas Community Group Option 3.jpg

We will have 3 prizes. Your group can win one of the following categories by being the group with the: 

1. Most Creative Post

2. Most People Included in a Picture

3. Most Liked Post

So, start planning now for how your group can win.

Looking for ways to connect or serve together?

Check out our last Group Leader blog HERE for 10 Christmas Gathering ideas and 7 Serving Ideas.

Jason DeGraaff 3.PNG

Jason DeGraaff

Community Groups Pastor

Life is Better Connected

The Top 2 Things Group Members Wish Were Different About Your Group

Every June we send out an end-of-the-year Community Group survey to all of our Community Group members and leaders.  You have probably filled out one of these surveys. This survey provides valuable feedback so we can improve our group environments.

We take all of the results of the survey and summarize the comments to look for trends we should address.

I wanted to share with you the top 2 issues group attendees wished were different about their group.

#1 - More Social Gatherings

This was the number one thing group members wished was different about their group. 

One of the most significant ways to increase our influence in another person's life is by developing a closer friendship with them.  

We can't be best friends with everyone in group, but the more opportunities we take as a group to connect with each other, the more people will feel like they belong. When belonging grows people are more likely to participate and share what is really happening in their lives.

What is one thing your group can do to develop deeper connections outside of group?

- A guys or girls night or breakfast
- A Thanksgiving dinner
- A Christmas party
- Serving together (
- Grabbing lunch after Sunday services
- Checking out a local venue like Radio Social

Put a date on your calendar now before the your holiday calendar fills up.

#2 - Starting and Ending On Time

This is the second most common issue that group members wish was different about their group. 

When someone shows up to group and they are unsure when it is going to end, they may be less likely to attend the following week. They may have to get up early for work or school, the kids need to get to bed, they have homework they need to finish up, or maybe they just want to get home to watch their favorite show. Whatever the case, this is a frequent frustration group members feel.

What can you do to better ensure your group starts and ends on time?

- Agree on the starting and ending time and remind your group regularly throughout the trimester.
- Set a schedule for group: When should everyone show up, and when to start and end the icebreaker, group discussion, and prayer time.
- Ask a group member to be a time keeper with the agreed upon schedule.
- Break into smaller prayer groups so you don't need to get through as many prayer requests.
- Try using prayer cards to keep group prayer time focused.

What does your group need to work on? 
What have you found helpful for your group to connect together or start and end on time?  
We'd love to learn from you!  

Jason DeGraaffCommunity Groups PastorLife is Better Connected

Jason DeGraaff

Community Groups Pastor

Life is Better Connected


More Resources You May Find Helpful

2 Reasons Why Community Groups Don't Work

Have you ever been frustrated with the lack of relational depth in your group? Even with the people who show up to group every week?

Does it ever feel like group discussion is just 30 minutes of surface answers but no one is really sharing their life, their struggles, or challenging each other spiritually?

Sometimes it feels like Community Groups just don't work.

The purpose of Community Groups is to Apply the Bible, Build relationships, and Care for each other, but maybe for you it feels like all that is being accomplished is that people are sitting in an awkward circle each week.

Here are 2 reasons Why Community Groups Don't Work

1. You focus on meetings instead of ongoing relationships.

  • When people only see Community Group as an event to attend, your group will struggle.

  • When your only time together begins at snack time and ends after group prayer, your group will struggle.

2. You focus on answering questions instead of sharing your lives.

  • When the goal of discussion time is to get through all of the questions, your group will struggle.

  • When people view group discussion as the time to share right answers, your group will struggle.

How do you fix this?

The goal of Community Group is not to hold good meetings. The goal of Community Groups is to create authentic Biblical community.

Your group can't accomplish the ABC's until you experience community together.

So, how do you create community?

Here are a 6 ideas:

  1. Pray for your Community Group members consistently

    • As you pray for your group, God uses your prayers to increase your love for your group members. Do you struggle to pray regularly? Set a reminder on your phone or use this prayer reminder app:

  2. Text your Community Group members at least 1 time a week

    • You don't need to text them all yourself, assign each person to a Group Leader or spiritually mature group member for weekly follow up.

  3. Sit together on Sundays

    • Pick a section in the auditorium, let people know what service you will attend each week, and make a point of sitting together. You could even grab coffee at the cafe together before you find your seats in the service. This is one of the reasons we encourage Northridgers to attend the campus nearest them and attend a group from their campus.

  4. Skip sermon discussion and share your stories

    • Do you really know each other in group? Until you do, answers to discussion questions will probably remain on the surface level. Take a few weeks, or maybe a whole trimester, and take turns sharing your stories and asking follow-up questions.

  5. Assign prayer partners

    • Encourage everyone in prayer time to pair up and connect with their partner one time during the week over a text, phone call, coffee, a meal, or even hanging out at each other's homes.

  6. Invite people into the natural rhythms of your life

    • Birthday parties together

    • Kids band/theater/sporting events together

    • House work or yard work together

    • Eating leftovers together

    • Watching the game together

    • Doing school work in the same place together

    • Date nights together

You can inspire people from a distance, but you can only influence them up close.

Community is developed as you share life together.

Which one of these steps can you take this week to help create Community in your group?
